Specialist Services: VAT Specialists / Tax Investigation Specialists / Legal Services

Specialist Services: VAT Specialists / Tax Investigation Specialists / Legal Services

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VAT Specialists / Tax Investigation Specialists.

Are you struggling or about to enter a HMRC tax investigation?

Do you have VAT problems?

Do you need advice in a specific area?

Are you considering overseas VAT implications?

If you need any help on specific tax topics or you are about to enter a HMRC tax investigation, or even if you are unsure of implications to changes you may be making to your business model, always ensure you seek professional advice, the cost of getting it wrong could be a nasty surprise from HMRC.

Are you under a HMRC tax investigation? Or do you have a tax dispute?

These can be worrying times; outcomes can vary dramatically without the right support systems around you. With increasing pressure to close the debt gap, HMRC tax investigations are at an all time high. Look at the current press surrounding retrospective tax and read our blog on the 2019 Loan Charge.

Our targeted specialist team can assist you across a range of tax queries or issues. Each professional is highly regarded in their area and capable of assisting you to the highest level. Should the worst happen and you enter a HMRC tax investigation, it is key to seek professional advice as soon as possible, this where Tax Debts Help and Advice can assist you further.

Legal Services

From ensuring a start up business understands it’s obligations to potential litigation action, general legal issues or HR and employment law difficulties, it is always wise to have a dedicated professional to talk to. Seeking legal advice for your business is best described as ‘offence is the best defence’ as mistakes can be costly.

Ensuring you and your business are protected and has the best possible legal advice within your desired field, is certainly required in this day and age. The type of legal help that you and your business will need, depends on your category of business and what the issue is, so having us here to hand, who can source you the best advice or representation, is key.

Call us on 01704 630908 for a friendly chat or start a live chat with us on our website for further guidance.

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